Set HTTP Base URLs of Production and Development Environment - Angular 6 / Angular 7

Posted at: December 15, 2018 6:47 PM

If we are developing angular applicatin then we use development and production enviroment. We use REST API for both development and production enviroment. So we should use HTTP base URL in one place for development and production.

In angular application you can see src/environments folder. It contains two files environment.ts and for development and production environment. When we move application development to production then automatically call HTTP base URL.


Set base url in development environment

Set base url in production environment


Import environment into src/app/services/blog.service.ts



You can also replace all server url in following services like above blog.service.ts

  • src/app/auth/auth.service.ts
  • src/app/blogpost/blogpost.service.ts
  • src/app/cmspage/cmspage.service.ts
This lesson also available on YouTube
Production Environment Development Environment HTTP Base URL

Angular 6/7 Tutorial in Hindi

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